
For ios download AutoHotkey 2.0.3
For ios download AutoHotkey 2.0.3

for ios download AutoHotkey 2.0.3

However I later discovered a script can contain numerous different macro commands so that is actually not a problem.Īlso opens websites, launches programs and much, much more. Dit programma stelt je in staat om vaak gebruikte toetsaanslagen, handelingen en/of knoppencombo's met het toetsenbord. each text expansion shortcut) had to be in its own file, resulting in numerous scripts having to be run and thereby being unmanageable. Versie 2.0.3 van AutoHotkey is uitgekomen. Plus there is even a pop-up calendar which works in Excel and is much easier to set up than Excels own pop-up Calendar equivalent.Īs a non-programmer I was initially put off as it appeared each script (e.g. And the text can be expanded by means of keyboard shortcuts or by a great choice of GUI such as ListBoxes, DropDown lists etc. Makes a great text expander, something which as far as I can tell AutoIt cannot do (on their forums they seemingly regard a text expansion feature as tantamount to key logging yes, totally weird I know!). Za jego pomoc moemy tworzy mae i zoone skrypty do wykonywanych zada na komputerze, takich jak: wypeniacze formularzy, automatyczne klikanie, makra itp. I have no programming experience so its a little daunting at first, but surprisingly easy to get into and use, particularly as assistance is readily available on the forum. AutoHotkey to w peni darmowe narzdzie pozwalajce na zautomatyzowanie wielu czynnoci w systemie Windows.

For ios download AutoHotkey 2.0.3